home *** CD-ROM | disk | FTP | other *** search
- 5 poke53280,11 :poke53281,11
- 10 gosub 6000
- 20 :
- 25 print"[147]" chr$(142)
- 30 poke646,1:poke53281,.
- 40 sf=90
- 50 dn$="":rt$=""
- 55 f$(0)="[150]off[155]":f$(1)=" on[155]"
- 60 e$=" ":s$=" "
- 61 mm$=" selection menu "
- 62 mm$=mm$+" [152]make selection by pressing 1-e then"
- 63 mm$=mm$+" use the crsr keys to edit. function"
- 64 mm$=mm$+" keys for command functions above[155]"
- 65 sp$=" ":forx=1to4
- 66 sp$=sp$+" ":next
- 67 ss$="[145] ":forx=1to2
- 68 ss$=ss$+" ":next
- 70 pl$=""
- 72 dimp(14),a(14),x(14),x,i,y:fori=1to14:readx:next
- 80 fori=1to14:readp(i):next:fori=1to14:reada(i):next
- 85 fori=1to4:readwf$(i):next
- 90 print"[147] s o u n d s y n t h e s i z e r "
- 92 print"1[154] volume"
- 100 print"2[154] frequency [155]hz":print"3 [154]duration [155]sec"
- 110 print"4 [154]attack":print"5 [154]sustain [152][213][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][201]"
- 120 print"6 [154]decay [152] [221] menu [152][221]"
- 130 print"7 [154]release [152] [221] f1 [153]hear sound[152] [221]"
- 140 print"8 [154]low pass fltr [152] [221] f2 [153]save sound[152] [221]"
- 150 print"9 [154]band pass fltr [152] [221] f3 [153]list line [152] [221]"
- 160 print"a [154]high pass fltr [152] [221] f4 [153]load sound[152] [221]"
- 170 print"b [154]fltr freq [152] [221] f5 [153]restart [152] [221]"
- 180 print"c [154]resonance [152] [221] f6 [153]quit [152] [221]"
- 190 print"d [154]waveform [152] [202][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][203]"
- 200 print"e [154]pulse width [155]%"
- 205 printpl$mm$
- 210 rem ***start/restart***
- 220 :
- 230 fori=54272to54294:pokei,0:next:restore:fori=1to14:readx(i):next
- 240 forx=1to15
- 250 onxgosub1120,1130,1150,1120,1120,1120,1120,1180,1180,1180,1130,1120
- 260 ifx>12thenonx-12gosub1190,1130
- 270 next:forx=1to15
- 280 onxgosub610,630,1100,650,660,650,660,610,610,610,670,620,1100,690
- 290 next
- 300 rem ***key scan***
- 310 geta$:ifa$=""then310
- 320 a=asc(a$):ifa=133then710
- 330 ifa=137then870
- 340 ifa=138then950
- 350 ifa=134then750
- 360 ifa=135then210
- 370 ifa=139then6500
- 380 ifa>48anda<58thenx=val(a$):goto410
- 390 ifa>64anda<70thenx=a-55:goto410
- 400 goto310
- 410 rem ***change parameters***
- 420 printleft$(dn$,x+2)"[158][209][155]
- 430 [161]a$:[139]a$[178]""[167]430
- 440 a[178][198](a$):[139]a[178]13[167][153][200](dn$,x[170]2)" ":[141]1200:[137]590
- 450 [139]a[178]145[167]480
- 460 [139]a[178]17[167]510
- 470 [137]430
- 480 [139]x(x)[177][178]a(x)[167]430
- 490 [139]x[178]2[176]x[178]11[167]x(x)[178]x(x)[170]10:[137]540
- 500 x(x)[178]x(x)[170]1:[137]540
- 510 [139]x(x)[178]0[167]430
- 520 [139]x[178]2[176]x[178]11[167]x(x)[178]x(x)[171]10:[137]540
- 530 x(x)[178]x(x)[171]1
- 540 [139]x[178]1[176](x[177][178]4[175]x[179][178]7)[176]x[178]12[167][141]1120:[137]430
- 550 [139]x[178]2[176]x[178]11[176]x[178]14[167][141]1130:[137]430
- 560 [139]x[178]3[167][141]1150:[137]430
- 570 [139]x[177]7[175]x[179]11[167][141]1180:[137]430
- 580 [141]1190:[137]430
- 590 [145]x[141]610,630,1100,650,660,650,660,610,610,610,670,620,1100,690
- 600 [137]300
- 610 [151]54296,x(1)[170]x(8)[172]16[170]x(9)[172]32[170]x(10)[172]64
- 620 [151]54295,x(8)[170](x(9)[172]2)[170](x(10)[172]4)[170](x(12)[172]16):[142]
- 630 fo[178]x(2)[173]0.06097:hb[178][181](fo[173]256):lb[178][181](fo[171](256[172]hb))
- 640 [151]54272,lb:[151]54273,hb:[142]
- 650 [151]54277,x(4)[172]16[170]x(6):[142]
- 660 [151]54278,x(5)[172]16[170]x(7):[142]
- 670 h2[178][181](x(11)[173]8):l2[178][181](x(11)[171](8[172]h2))
- 680 [151]54293,l2:[151]54294,h2:[142]
- 690 pw%[178]x(14)[172]40.95:h3[178][181](pw%[173]256):l3[178][181](pw%[171](256[172]h3))
- 700 [151]54274,l3:[151]54275,h3:[142]
- 710 [143] ***hear sound***
- 720 dv[178]x(3)[172]sf
- 730 [151]54276,2[174](x(13)[170]3)[170]1
- 740 [129]i[178]1[164]dv:[130]:[151]54276,0:[137]300
- 750 [143] ***list line***
- 760 [153]pl$;sp$;pl$
- 770 [153]dn$"listpoke54272,"[202]([196](lb),2)":poke54273,"[202]([196](hb),2)
- 780 [153]"poke54274,"[202]([196](l3),2)":poke54275,"[202]([196](h3),2)
- 790 [153]"poke54277,"[202]([196](x(4)[172]16[170]x(6)),2);
- 800 [153]":poke54278,"[202]([196](x(5)[172]16[170]x(7)),2)
- 810 [153]"poke54293,"[202]([196](l2),2)":poke54294,"[202]([196](h2),2)
- 820 [153]"poke54296,";
- 830 [153][202]([196](x(1)[170]x(8)[172]16[170]x(9)[172]32[170]x(10)[172]64),2);
- 840 [153]":poke54295,"[202]([196](x(8)[170](x(9)[172]2)[170](x(10)[172]4)[170](x(12)[172]16)),2)
- 850 [153]"poke54276,"[202]([196](2[174](x(13)[170]3)[170]1),2)
- 860 [153]"fori=1to"[202]([196](dv),2)":next:poke54276,0"
- 861 [153]"cont press space when ready to continuelist"
- 862 [161]a$:[139]a$[179][177]" " [167] 862
- 865 [153]pl$ss$sp$pl$mm$:[137] 300
- 870 [143] ***save sound***
- 880 [141]1030:[139]d$[178]"t"[167]910
- 890 [159]8,dn,8,"0:"[170]nm$[170]"s,w"
- 900 [137]920
- 910 [159]1,1,1,nm$
- 920 [129]i[178]1[164]14:[152]8,x(i):[139]st[178]0[167][130]
- 930 [160]8:[139]d$[178]"d"[167][141]1110
- 940 [160]1:[129]i[178]1[164]1000:[130]:[137]310
- 950 [143] ***load sound***
- 960 [141]1030:[139]d$[178]"t"[167]990
- 970 [159]8,dn,8,nm$[170]"s,r"
- 980 [137]1000
- 990 [159]1,1,0,nm$
- 1000 [129]i[178]1[164]14:[132]8,x(i):[139]st[178]0[167][130]
- 1010 [160]8:[139]d$[178]"d"[167][141]1110
- 1020 [160]1:[129]i[178]1[164]1000:[130]:[137]240
- 1030 [153]pl$ss$sp$pl$:[153]dn$:[153]"list(printdlist)isk or list(printtlist)ape :";
- 1031 [161]d$:[139]d$[178]""[167]1031
- 1032 [139]d$[178]"t"[176]d$[178]"(NULL)"[176]d$[178]"str$"[176]d$[178]"d"[167]1035
- 1033 [137] 1031
- 1035 [153]d$
- 1040 [139]d$[178]"t"[167]dn[178]1:[137]1080
- 1050 [139]d$[179][177]"d"[167]1030
- 1060 [153]"drive print# list(print8list-print11list) cmdcmdcmd:";::ln[178]3:[141]8000:nd$[178]a$:dn[178][197](nd$)
- 1061 [139]dn[179]8 [176]dn[177]11 [167] [153]"on";:[137]1060
- 1070 [159]15,dn,15:[160]15:[139]st[179][177]0 [167][153]" drive not present ":[137]1112
- 1080 [153]"file nameprint :";::ln[178]17:[141]8000:nm$[178]a$
- 1090 [139][195](nm$)[179]1[176][195](nm$)[177]16[167][153]"onon":[137]1080
- 1100 [142]
- 1110 [159]15,8,15:[132]15,a$,b$,c$,d$:[153]a$s$b$s$c$s$d$:[160]15
- 1112 [153]"cont press space when ready to continuelist"
- 1113 [161]a$:[139]a$[179][177]" " [167] 1113
- 1114 [153]pl$ss$sp$pl$mm$:[142]
- 1120 [153][200](dn$,x[170]2)[200](rt$,p(x))[201](" "[170][202]([196](x(x)),2),2)
- 1125 [142]
- 1130 [153][200](dn$,x[170]2)[200](rt$,p(x));
- 1140 [153][201](" "[170][202]([196](x(x)),2),4):[142]
- 1150 jm$[178][202]([196](x(3)),2):jm$[178][200](jm$,[195](jm$)[171]1)[170]"."[170][201](jm$,1)
- 1160 [153][200](dn$,5)[200](rt$,18)[201](" "[170]jm$,4)
- 1170 dv[178][197](jm$)[172]1e3:[142]
- 1180 [153][200](dn$,x[170]2)[200](rt$,17)f$(x(x)):[142]
- 1190 [153][200](dn$,13[170]2)[200](rt$,15)wf$(x(x)):[142]
- 1200 [142]
- 1210 [131]12,440,30,9,4,4,0,0,0,0,400,0,1,50
- 1220 [131]18,16,18,18,18,18,18,17,17,17,16,18,15,16
- 1230 [131]15,3990,100,15,15,15,15,1,1,1,2040,15,5,100
- 1240 [131]" tri"," saw",pulse,noise
- 6000 :
- 6010 [153]"loadwait(NULL)tantantantantantantantantantantantantantantantantantantantantantantantantantantantantantantantantantantantantantan(NULL)";
- 6020 [153]"{$7d} {$7d}";
- 6030 [153]"{$7d} sysL O AcloseD S T AcloseR {$7d}";
- 6040 [153]"{$7d} listtab(tab(tab(tab(tab(tab(tab(tab(tab(tab(tab(tab(tab(tab(tab( {$7d}";
- 6050 [153]"{$7d} stopPresents {$7d}";
- 6060 [153]"{$7d} {$7d}";
- 6070 [153]"{$7d} fnstopclosefnstop fnstopclosefnstop fnstop fnstopclosefnwait {$7d}";
- 6080 [153]"{$7d} fnstopclosefnstopclosefnstopclosefnstopclosefnstopclosefnstopclosefnwait {$7d}";
- 6090 [153]"{$7d} fnstopclosefnstopclosefnstopclosefnstopclosefnstopclosefnstopclosefnwait {$7d}";
- 6100 [153]"{$7d} fnfnfnfnfnfnfnfnfnfnfnfnfnwait {$7d}";
- 6110 [153]"{$7d} fnfnfnfnfnfnfnfnfnfnfnfnfnwait {$7d}";
- 6120 [153]"{$7d} {$7d}";
- 6130 [153]"{$7d} {$7d}";
- 6140 [153]"{$7d} SOUND SYNTHESIZER {$7d}";
- 6150 [153]"{$7d} {$7d}";
- 6160 [153]"{$7d} {$7d}";
- 6170 [153]"(NULL) peeky mid$ames (NULL). (NULL)chwartz (NULL)";
- 6180 [153]"{$7d} {$7d}";
- 6190 [153]"{$7d} {$7d}";
- 6200 [153]"{$7d} {$7d}";
- 6210 [153]"{$7d} sysCopyright 1987 {$7d}";
- 6220 [153]"{$7d} {$7d}";
- 6230 [153]"{$7d} listPress SPACE To Continue {$7d}";
- 6240 [153]"{$7d} {$7d}";
- 6250 [153]"{$60}{$60}{$60}{$60}{$60}{$60}{$60}{$60}{$60}{$60}{$60}{$60}{$60}{$60}{$60}{$60}{$60}{$60}{$60}{$60}{$60}{$60}{$60}{$60}{$60}{$60}{$60}{$60}{$60}{$60}{$60}{$60}{$60}{$60}{$60}{$60}{$60}{$60}{$7b}";
- 6260 [151]241,[194](241)[176]128
- 6270 [153]"on":[153]"save{$7b}";:[153]"";
- 6300 [161]a$:[139]a$[179][177]" "[167]6300
- 6310 [142]
- 6500 [153]" list do you wish to quit? (y/n)
- 6510 geta$:ifa$=""then6510
- 6515 ifa$="y"ora$="[217]"then 7000
- 6520 ifa$="n"ora$="[206]"then print"[145] ":goto310
- 6530 goto6510
- 7000 open15,8,15,"r0:hello connect=hello connect":input#15,er:close15
- 7005 ifer<>63 thenprint"[147]":end
- 7100 load"hello connect",8,1
- 8000 a$="":print"[164]";:forx=1to25
- 8010 getb$:ifb$=""then8010
- 8015 ifb$=chr$(20)andx=1 then8010
- 8020 ifb$=chr$(20)thenx=x-1:printb$;"[157][164]";:a$=left$(a$,x-1):goto8010
- 8030 ifb$=chr$(13) then print"[157] ":return
- 8035 ifb$<" "orb$>"[218]" then8010
- 8040 ifb$>"[193]" then 8010
- 8048 ifx=>ln then 8010
- 8050 a$=a$+b$:print"[157]";b$;:print"[164]";:
- 8060 next